Rashida Tlaib's Impeach The MF Official T Shirt

Rashida Tlaib's Impeach The MF T Shirt










You’ve asked for ‘em. And now we’ve got ‘em: “Impeach the MF” t-shirts!
We are at the most critical moment in our movement to impeach Donald Trump. We need to keep up the momentum and get even louder to make sure Congress acts swiftly and passes articles of impeachment against this lawless president.


Get your “Impeach the MF” t-shirt today to show your support for our movement to impeach Donald Trump and support Rashida’s re-election campaign!



Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s reelection campaign started selling $29 "Impeach the MF" T-shirts Thursday, two days after Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi announced Congress is launching an impeachment inquiry into President Trump.

“You’ve asked for ‘em. And now we’ve got 'em,” her campaign wrote in an email, according to The Detroit News.

The quote is a reference to a controversial remark Tlaib made to supporters soon after she was sworn into Congress in January. “We’re going to impeach the mother****r,” she said in a video that went viral.

Both Republicans and Democrats criticized her language and Trump called it “disrespectful” and “disgraceful.”

Rep. Bill Huizenga, R-Mich., said the T-shirts are inappropriate and said he would let his supporters know about them.

“Can you imagine the outrage if I had put a T-shirt together like that for impeaching President Obama?” Huizenga said, according to The Detroit News. “First of all, my mother would have called me and told me, ‘Shame on you.’ Then I would have heard from my Republican colleagues asking me, ‘What in the world are you doing?’”